Around the Home
Chantilly Real Estate Blog
July 3, 2017
Along with the family vehicles, the garage may be the place where all of the things you don’t want in your house go to disappear. However, you might not be aware that there are a number of DIY hacks you can use for your garage that will instantly make it a more useable space. If you’re wondering how you can fit more in while improving the aesthetic appeal of your garage, here are some tricks to test out.
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Topics: Around the Home, Homeowner Tips, Upgrades and Renovations
May 9, 2017
Many homeowners consider a fence around their property for a variety of reasons, whether it’s to keep the dog in the yard or to maintain privacy. However, the wrong fence can entirely change the look of your property and make a beautiful yard a bit of an eyesore. If you’re trying to determine what kind of fence will work for your home, here are some tips before you start to dig in the dirt.
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Topics: Around the Home, Homeowner Tips, Upgrades and Renovations
March 4, 2016
There are times you might long for the relaxed leisure of the spa experience, but with the cost of a manicure it’s not always a pleasure one can afford. If your current bathroom set-up isn’t the optimal place for rest and relaxation, here are some cues for how you can turn it from a bit of a problem to a consummate pleasure.
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Topics: Around the Home, Homeowner Tips, Upgrades and Renovations
February 26, 2016
Whether you happen to be a painting pro or you’ve never dared to pick up a roller, there are a few tricks of the trade that professionals use to make a paint job look its best. Here are a few tips from those who know best.
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Topics: Around the Home, Homeowner Tips, Upgrades and Renovations
February 10, 2016
One of the worries associated with getting older is having the ability to maintain your lifestyle in old age, and a smaller home can actually alleviate many of the high costs that go along with having an oversized home.
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Topics: Around the Home, Buying a Home, Homeowner Tips
February 5, 2016
It may seem like the holiday season has just passed, but it won’t be too long before the flowers begin to bloom and spring peeks out from around the corner. While the tradition of spring cleaning that comes with the season may not be as common as it once was, it can actually be a great way to revive and refresh and prepare for the summer ahead.
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Topics: Around the Home, Homeowner Tips, Upgrades and Renovations