(703) 802-2850

The Kathy O'Neal Team

Real Estate in Chantilly Blog

Adjustable Rate and Interest Only Mortgages: The Basics


If you are a Chantilly or Northern Virginia area home buyer, and you are shopping for the right mortgage, you need to know the basics about adjustable rate and interest only mortgages.

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Getting stuck with the wrong mortgage program can be a mistake that will take years to recover from.   Basic knowledge about the type of programs available is critical.  And these two types of loans have contributed a great deal to the mortgage woes that we are currently working through.  Robert A, Martinson points out that these loan options can have their place, but it is very important that you don’t go in this direction unless you have a very specific set of needs and circumstances, and you understand the risks associated with these loans.

By the way, if you are shopping for a mortgage loan program, feel free to contact Kathy for several referrals.

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