(703) 802-2850

The Kathy O'Neal Team

Real Estate in Chantilly Blog


Here is a truism that can help home owners getting ready to put their home on the market:  good results comes from applying the right principles.  It is true in basketball, it is true in chess, and it also is true in home selling.chess

Apply the right home selling principles and you are likely to get a better result.

To assist home owners who are coming up to a time of selling, we have done a series of podcasts that lay out what I believe are seven solid strategies..principles if you will..that, at least from my experience, are what gets homes sold well.  They don’t require any registration,  so you can access them immediately.

I mention in the podcasts that I don’t offer a quick fix or easy answer.  These principles require due diligence.  There is probably nothing really surprising, but what is surprising is how much of an advantage the home sellers who puts all of these in play can have over their less diligent competition.

A few things to keep in mind.  These principles are a bit more geared toward the typical home owner who is not in a distressed circumstance.  Also, if you are coming up to a home sale, do remember that you are entering a competitive arena.  This is the time to get your competitive mindset up to full steam.

We hope they are helpful to you.  If you give these a listen, I definitely recommend that you start with Episode 1.  The order of application makes a difference. All current episodes are in the Chantilly Radio link.