If you are a Northern Virginia home buyer or seller, and would like to know how to select a real estate agent that will be the right choice for you, take the time to carefully watch this video.
We wanted to give you objective criteria on how to make a really smart choice of real estate agent. It is a major decision, and not everyone already has an agent they know, trust, and respect.
So if you want to reap the benefits of making a good choice, engage in a little “due diligence” and find out what you should avoid and what you should seek out.
I can tell you unequivocally based on over 23 years of working experience, that there are huge differences in the quality of agents. What you do not know can definitely hurt you when it comes to real estate.
Watch this video from start to finish. We would love for you to contact us after watching it, but whatever you do, after seeing this video you will have a set of criteria that we think informed consumers should know about.