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The Kathy O'Neal Team

Real Estate in Chantilly Blog

Appraisals of Home Value and Your Mortgage Application: Knowing What to Expect


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If you are looking for a home in the Chantilly or Northern Virginia area, one of the big “moving parts” of your mortgage loan process as a buyer, is the appraisal of the home’s current value.

The appraisal has the potential to create complications for your loan as a mortgage applicant, and the sale of your home if you are a home seller.

What should you be aware of before you jump into the mortgage application process?  What potential challenges will you face and how are they resolved?   What does a low appraisal do to your mortgage loan process?

These and other issues are discussed by Robert A. Martinson of Bank of America, in this episode.  If you have a mortgage application in your future, or the sale of your own home, give a listen to this brief but informative description of appraisals.

Also remember that  Kathy O’Neal is always available to help you with real estate issues.  If you are relocating to Northern Virginia request our Relocation Guide and take advantage of the Property Search, as well as Area Living features on our website.