In case you wanted to check out the most current list from Relocate America, here is their 2010 list of Top 100 Places To Live In America.
Glad to see that Fairfax and Alexandria, and Richmond made the list. I’d love to see Chantilly there some day!
The study considers momentum in the right direction as an important foundation for obtaining their better rankings. More specifically this includes good leadership, job opportunities, improving real estate markets, recreational options and an overall high quality of life.
How about Huntsville, Alabama grabbing the top slot! It was selected based on low levels of unemployment, a better than average real estate market, and low cost of living. Huntsville was in the fifth slot last year.
Here is the Relocate America top ten::
- Huntsville, AL
- Washington, DC
- Austin, TX
- San Diego, CA
- San Antonio, TX
- Tulsa, OK
- Charlotte, NC
- Raleigh, NC
- Boulder, CO
- Minneapolis, MN
You can check out the Top 100 Places To Live In America 2010 at the Relocate America website.