Before you sell your Chantilly area home, whether it is in the near term or not, it pays to be aware of the new wave of green strategies that can save money and energy. From a home selling point of view, a greener home has lots of potential competitive advantage for home sellers. And many strategies are low-cost and easy.
The Roadrunner low-flow showerhead from Evolve is a good example.
It is very practical because it fits with how most people shower.
To avoid the cold water, most people turn on the shower and let it run, waiting for it to warm-up. While that is happening, you are losing about two-and-a-half gallons per minute.
But there is a way to stop the wasted money and water.
When the water gets to about 95 degrees, the Roadrunner all but stops the flow to a trickle. Just pull the cord and normal flow returns. This will vary, but you could save an estimated $250 over the course of a year. Whatever your savings, it’s probably a good deal. The Roadrunner claims to beat its competition by saving both water and energy.
I’m guessing it is in many of the Home Depot type stores, but it can also be bought on Amazon.comfor about $40, or at Evolve’s website.
It you are interested in home energy savings get subscribed to our blog so you don’t miss our upcoming podcast series on this topic. We’ll be discussing how to significantly reduce energy costs and make your home more attractive to buyers when it comes time to sell.