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The Kathy O'Neal Team

Real Estate in Chantilly Blog

VIDEO : Removing and Preventing Weeds

Chantilly home owners can get a word of encouragement and instruction about weed removal in this short video from Expert Village. Doug Smiddy makes it simple and shows how to make sure you get the entire weed out.

PostAnd if you would like to add a little prevention to the mix, my suggestion is to add a product called Preen.  You can get it in places like Lowe’s or Home Depot.  It is in the form of dry pellets that you apply on garden beds to prevent weeds from germinating in the first place. 16579916

I have used it for years and it works very effectively, and it is a lot easier than weed removal.   If you plan on selling your Chantilly or area home, this is a good thing to do in preparation for the sale.  A lovely house can look undesirable when the outside yard is not sharp and weed-free.