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Hygenall bonds to and protects from lead dust and other dangerous metals on your skin

You have probably heard about lead-based paint, but you may not know that lead, not to mention other toxic metals, are in other everyday products.  Also, what about the surfaces we come in contact with…more than enough unpleasant chemicals there too.

Hand washing, even with a disinfectant, does not really do the trick.

Another option is a serious wipe like Hygenall.

Hygenall is a cleansing wipe that removes metal oxides from the skin’s surface, including lead.  The wipe produces a specially-formulated lather that grabs and traps heavy metals, then pulls them away from the skin.

The Hygenall website recommends its product for people including:

  • Pregnant mothers
  • Children in daycare
  • Sportsmen, policemen and others weapon-handlers
  • Construction workers

The site also provides links to studies on lead poisoning.  Apparently, when someone is exposed to lead at work they can bring it home.

Hygenall is not a cure for lead poisoning, but it would appear to help in preventing it — including avoiding contaminating one’s home.

If you want to buy it you can check out Amazon.com for a 3-pack..pretty inexpensive. Maybe it is also available in places like Home Depot or Lowe’s.
