If you want to keep your Chantilly or Northern Virginia home garden in good shape by controlling weeds and pests, but don’t like the strong chemicals, take a few minutes to watch this video.
Suggestions you will find in the video include:
- Use of flowering nectar-bearing plants to keep “good ” insects
- Use of electronic repellents and netting to deter pests
- Get the birds on your side…add a bird feeder to your yard
There are a number of other good ideas as well.
Keep in mind that “organic” doesn’t always mean “greener.“
Limited use of chemical products may be the best alternative in some situations.
If you are sprucing things up in order to get your home on the market, please know that we have been serving Chantilly and Northern Virginia area home sellers and buyers for over two decades, and we always stay on the cutting edge of excellence in real estate service. We invite you to view our Testimonial Video which explains how and why we are different.