Want to get your credit card interest rate down in preparation for buying your Chantilly or Northern Virginia home?
Take a few minutes to listen to David Bach’s practical suggestions.
In this 4-minute video from NBC’s The Today Show, you will get quick advise on things you can do pretty easily. And it may well result in more money in your pocket each month.
Some of the ideas covered in the video include:
- Compare your current rate to the rate offered to new customers. Ask the lender for “new customer rate” if it’s lower.
- If your credit score has improved since application, ask for an interest rate more reflective of your current credit score.
- Be very considerate to the person you talk to….it may make all the difference, and it certainly won’t hurt.
It may take some persistence. Don’t be put off if you don’t succeed on the first try. Stay with it and you may very well get this done.
And if you are among the Northern Virginia area home buyers who are starting their search, we’d love for you to use any of the many resources on our other real estate web site, as well as this one.