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The Kathy O'Neal Team

Real Estate in Chantilly Blog

1031 Exchange Video: When buying another property, know about this option

If you are considering buying another property in or out of the Northern Virginia area, you should be aware of the 1031 Exchange process.

It enables the selling of one property and the buying of another with very significant tax advantages if you quality and meet the required legal criteria.

Watch video for a intro to 1031 Exchange.

Watch video for an intro to 1031 Exchange.

If you are a Chantilly or Northern Virginia area investor, or simply a home owner who wants to know about options, you should know about 1031.  In partnership with one of our Real Estate in Chantilly blog writers, real estate attorney John Pitrelli, we have produced an informative video introduction to the 1031 option.   Take time to watch this introduction.  You should at least know that this is an option, and many people have used it to their advantage.

Check it out at our Video Center where you may also find other resources that will be helpful.

If you are buying and/or selling property in the Northern Virginia area, or moving to the area, we are here for you!